Fill Will's Head
For our 45th birthday, it was our goal to raise $4,500 by July 1, 2024. Because of our generous donors, we raised over $9,000. Thank you to everyone who donated! Your donations help us Keep the Dream Alive for another 45!
All of the money raised goes to scholarships for students in the community as well as other ways to #KeepTheDreamAlive for another 45 years! If you would like to donate, you can send a check directly to us, drop off a donation to the VPAC, or scan the code below and invest using Venmo. However you choose to give, we thank you in advance.

Thank you to our Donors and Sponsors!
Amanda St. John
Amy Chapman
Amy Heath Bell
Amy Young
Brad Keithley
Brandi Green
Brian Lee
Brody Davenport Memorial Scholarship
Chasity Carper
Christie Murray
Cindi Gill
Clint Ronnenberg
Deana Moore Martino
Deborah Bragg
Deborah Mullens Clements
Delta Kappa Gamma
Dena Spears Sherrill
Durant Education and Service Sorority
Durant Lion's Club
Dyanna Bowen
​George Williams
Grace Atkinson
Grady Smith
Gregory Phillips
Janie Brown
Jared Pierce Memorial Scholarship
Jeffery Gibson
Jenny Young Sanchez
Jeremy Blackwood
Jill McPheron Wigington
Joel Wellnitz
Kara Sumner
Karla Williams
Kathy Elliott
Kelly D'Arcy
Kelly Savage
Kristi Kenyon
Kyle Clements
Leah Taylor
Lizzy Dromgoole
Maigan McPherson
Mary Kathryn Hodge &
Dr. Charles Weiner
Medical Center Pharmacy of Durant
Melisa Burkhart
Melissa Kincaid Story
Michael Scheuerman
Michele Richardson
Mila Zhu
Patrick Weiner Memorial Scholarship
Paula Brumley
Peggy Williams
Regan Pennington Memorial Scholarship
Riley Risso Coker
Ruby Quinn
Savanna James
Sharon Robinson
Susan Cosronn Ronnenberg
Susan Hallman
Tracy Arnold
Zach Magers
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